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As the suspension of Enugu Councilor continues to generate mixed reactions in Enugu State, the suspended councilor representing Umualor Ward in Isi-Uzo legislative house, Hon. Aluagbo Maxwell has threatened to seek redress in court if his illegal suspension is not lifted within 7 days, with the false allegation levelled against him retracted and his wardrobe allowance fully paid.

In an interview with Daily Gazette, Hon. Aluagbo stated that he is being victimized for attending the inauguration of the member representing Isi-Uzo constituency in Enugu State House of Assembly, Hon. Gabriel Lebechi Eze of Labour Party who is also his kinsman and brother.

He observed that the allegation of diverting IDP fund was malicious, and mischievously intended to wipe up sentiment against him and to cover up misappropriation of allocation coming to Isi-Uzo. He noted that IDP camp only existed in Umualor between December 2022 and first week of January 2023 and at no time was he directly involved in the distribution of palliatives as the chairman had set up Isi-Uzo Emergency Management Committee, ISEMAC, with himself as the chairman, Rt. Rev. D.N Olinya as Vice chairman while Hon. Nnabuike Philip served as the Secretary with Hon. James Nnaji, Supervisor for Work as the only member from Umualor.

“With the existence of ISEMAC, how could the chairman channel IDP fund to him when he already has a committee dealing with it of which he was not a member?” He asked.

Aluagbo further averred that the said 1.1million he received from the chairman through a transfer from the majority leader of Isi-Uzo legislative house, Hon. Nnabuike Ugwu(Orompo) on the 3rd of March, 2023 was a part payment for a private dealing he had with the chairman at a time all the IDPs have left Umualor.

He queried how a chairman who refused to distribute palliatives he received from NEMA but choose to sell them out through one of his personal aide, Odo Lotachukwu Innocent, could give out 1.1million for the same people he neglected.

The councilor stated that there was another version of the allegation that the said 1.1million was for Umualor community without stating the purpose, making a reasonable mind to wonder which of the story to believe.

Reacting to the allegation that he publicized the outcome of a meeting by the councilors, Hon. Aluagbo debunked the allegation, stating that a meeting held in a beer parlour with prying ears was nothing secret as anyone around could have heard them, insisting that the leader of Isi-Uzo legislative council, Hon. Irenus only carried out a hatchet job after receiving huge monetary inducement from the chairman.

He recalled that the chairman played less role in helping the internally displaced persons in Eha-Amufu which led to the defeat of the PDP at Eha-Amufu axis during the general election.

Explaining further, Hon. Aluagbo recalled vividly how the chairman of Isi-Uzo, Hon. Obiora Obeagu on 24th December, 2022 visited the IDP camp in company of the then member representing Enugu East/ Isi-Uzo federal constituency, Prince Cornelius Nnaji, who donated full bus load of food items with 400,000 while the chairman only gave 5 bags of 10kg rice, 5 carton of Indomie with about 100,000 he shared in few envelopes to the disappointment of many who joined during the visit.

According to the suspended councilor, the chairman of Isi-Uzo is being misled to victimize him despite helping him when he was threatened with impeachment for refusing to share the allocation with his political godfather and his cronies.

He observed that the chairman changed immediately he realized that he has few months to complete his tenure amidst mounting opposition within the PDP camp which made him to yield to sharing the local government allocation with those who wanted to impeach him.

Aluagbo disclosed that the chairman shared millions among the principal officers of the local government shortly before the Inauguration of Peter Mbah as Governor to help cover up his shoddy deals and misappropriation of fund in the the following order;

Vice chairman 10m

Leader 5million

Secretary 5million
Majority Leader 5million

He further condemned the hypocrite of Hon. James Nnaji, the current supervisor for works, for choosing to do a hatchet job, forgetting that he sold government bus as a leader and he is still liable to pay for it as recommended by the committee that investigated him.

He regretted that Hon. Obiora Obeagu is toeing the part of infamy as the worst chairman of Isi-Uzo Local Government, who publicized appointments without payment and who made series of promises but kept none.

Hon. Aluagbo reiterated that he will be seeking redress in court if after 7 days his suspension is not lifted and his wardrobe allowance fully paid, stating that his suspension was illegal as his offense was not made known to him neither was the allegation against him investigated nor was he giving opportunity for fair hearing.

He promised to furnish the public with the details of all the allocation received by Isi-Uzo Local Government under the current Leadership and cost of any project executed by the chairman, if any.

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