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Cronies of the incumbent Governor of Enugu state have apparently become beautiful brides for several PDP members lobbying for one political appointment or the other.

The government house has turned into a Mecca of some sort since after the announcement of 15 Commissioner Designates by Governor Peter Mbah.

Some members of the State Working Committee of the Peoples Democratic party, chieftains and unsuccessful candidates of the party as well as those that invested everything at their disposal to campaign for the party, are all equally involved in deploying both conventional and unorthodox means to market their intentions.


Many of the PDP Stakeholders in Enugu have also stopped at nothing in using media advertorials/visibility, networking all perceived persons with links to the governor, visitations, attending social functions and spearheading favourable protests to attract the attention of the governor.

Lobbyists for political appointments are desperately visiting government house in such an unrelenting manner to ensure that their efforts pay-off as they hope for second batch of the commissioner nominees.

Accordingly, every local government area should have a Commissioner Designate representing the council.

The lobbying has really taken the front burner since after the announcement of the two appointments by Governor Mbah, not minding the general apprehension and fixation of many PDP supporters that he may likely be sacked by Court owing to the ongoing litigations instituted at the governorship Election Petitions Tribunal by Hon. Barr. Chijioke Edeoga of the Labour Party.

Pressure from the lobbyists has been mounting from stakeholders in the 17 Local Government council areas of the states to fill the vacant statutory commissioner slots, positions of special assistants, and various boards of the state government’s ministries, parastatals and agencies.

The lobbying has become so intense maybe because many of the lobbyists were products of campaign promises.

As Enugu PDP Stakeholders await Mbah’s second batch of the commissioner nominees, political pundits predict he may not make further appointment.

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