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The organisations tasked the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) with unity in their engagement with the Federal Government and encourage them to jointly mobilise for mass action.

Ahead of the August 2 nationwide industrial action against President Bola Tinubu’s fuel price hike and “anti-poor” policies proposed by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), the leadership of Alliance for Surviving COVID-19 and Beyond (ASCAB), Coalition for Revolution (CORE) and the Joint Action Front (JAF) have declared their total support.

The civic organisations in a joint declaration, signed by Femi Falana (ASCAB), Baba Ayelabola (CORE), and Achike Chude (JAF) after a meeting on Sunday, which was made available to SaharaReporters on Monday, said they will join in the protest until victory is achieved.

Titled: “August 2nd, 2023 as the beginning of nationwide resistance against fuel price hike and anti-poor policies is sacrosanct,” the civic organisations said that the minimum aim of the forthcoming struggle is the reversal of the “criminal hike of petrol from N617 to N195, reversal of other criminal policies like fee hike in public tertiary institutions, devaluation of the naira” which they noted had made life unbearable on Nigerian masses.

“We support the decision of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to call Nigerian workers and poor masses out on protest starting from Wednesday, August 2, 2023, against the wicked and neoliberal policies of the President Tinubu government, including, the severe hike in the price of petrol and devaluation of the naira.”

The organisations tasked the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) with unity in their engagement with the Federal Government and encourage them to jointly mobilise for mass action.

“We call on the Nigerian working people and youth to see the August 2nd date as the beginning of nationwide resistance against fuel price hikes and other anti-poor policies.

“We call on the Nigerian working people, the poor masses, and radical youth to begin to prepare for mass action on Wednesday by organizing democratically -constituted action committees in their workplaces, communities, and campuses.

“We agree that the minimum aim of the forthcoming struggle is a reversal of the criminal hike of petrol from N617 to N195, reversal of other criminal policies like fee hike in public tertiary institutions, devaluation of the naira, which has added to the untold hardships the people are facing from the fuel price hike, rejection of the planned electricity tariff increase, meeting of demands of doctors, other health workers, education workers like ASUU and all other unions, adequate funding of public education, payment of all owed salaries and pension and the signing of a new National Minimum wage agreement to save working people from penury.

“The ultimate aim is system change which is only achievable through a revolutionary struggle to end the condition of mass misery amid abundance,”.

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