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Ondo State Universal Basic Education Board has declared that the promotion of the public primary school teachers would be based on their performance and not automatic from next year.

The board also warned the teachers against truancy at work, saying any teachers who absconded without formal permission would be made to face music.


The Executive Chairman of the state SUBEB, Mr Victor Olabimtan stated this during an interactive session with the education secretaries from the 18 Local government areas of the state at the board’s headquarters in Akure, on Friday.

According to the chairman, the directive became necessary in order to enhance the better performance of pupils of public schools in common entrance examinations into public secondary schools in the state.

He said the state government was not happy with the level of performance of the primary school pupils in the state, in the examinations, hence the decision to place the promotion of teachers on performance.

Olabimtan declared, “From next year, no teacher will be promoted to the next grade levels especially from level 13 and above without empirical evidence that the wards under them performed very well in their examinations.”

He noted that the state government had made huge investments in the basic education sector through the construction and renovation of over 900 schools and the distribution of free instructional material to pupils, and consequently, the government expects better delivery from teachers and good performance from pupils in all examinations.

While admonishing the education secretaries and head teachers to live up to expectations, the SUBEB boss said the government won’t hesitate to deal with anybody, no matter how highly placed, trying to sabotage the established high-performance standard in education the state is known for.

“All promotions, especially from grade 13 and above will be subjected to performance evaluation by the Board and the Ministry of Education Science and Technology.

“As from the beginning of the new academic session the board is going to invigorate its monitoring and supervisory mechanism by paying unscheduled visits to all the schools in the state to ensure teachers are in classes doing what they were employed to do,” he stated.

The chairman warned teachers who are in the habit of absconding from duties or engaging in selling and buying during school hours to desist from such acts, saying anybody caught in the act will face the music.

“There is credible information that some teachers come to school at will while others do not come at all but employ someone else to do their jobs while engaging in other activities at the detriment of students under their care.

“Some even travelled abroad without appropriate approval. This not acceptable and anybody caught will face the penalties,” he warned.

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