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As the nation commemorates this year’s International Workers’ Day, Senator Kelvin Chukwu, representing the great people of Enugu East Senatorial zone, is calling for government action to upgrade workers’ minimum wage in order to reflect current economic realities.


Senator Chukwu made the call in Enugu on Wednesday while commending the resilience and dedication of workers across the country.

He emphasized the invaluable contributions of workers to the growth and development of the nation’s economy.

“Workers are the backbone of our society, and their tireless efforts contribute significantly to the progress and prosperity of our nation,”

“On this Workers’ Day, we celebrate their hard work, dedication, and commitment to building a better future for all.”

Highlighting the challenges faced by workers, particularly in the wake of economic uncertainties, Senator Chukwu underscored the need for government intervention to improve their welfare and well-being.

In particular, he called for an urgent review and upgrade of the minimum wage to reflect current economic realities and ensure a decent standard of living for workers and their families.

“The minimum wage is a critical issue that directly impacts the livelihoods of millions of workers across the country,” he emphasized.”

“It is imperative that we prioritize their welfare by adjusting the minimum wage to align with the rising cost of living and inflation rates.”

Senator Chukwu urged the government to explore comprehensive measures to address other pressing issues affecting workers, including job security, access to affordable healthcare, housing, and social protection schemes.

“As representatives of the people, it is our duty to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote the welfare and dignity of workers,” Senator Chukwu affirmed.

“I call on the government to demonstrate its commitment to workers’ rights by taking concrete actions to improve their working conditions and standard of living.”


The Labour Party parliamentarian expressed his solidarity with workers and reiterated his unwavering commitment to championing their interests and welfare at the legislative level.

He further pledged to collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure that workers’ rights are protected and their contributions duly recognized and rewarded.

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