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The National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja on Monday dismissed the petition filed by Hon. Ejiofor Vincent Chukwu challenging the election of the Senator representing Ebonyi North Senatorial district and Deputy Chairman, Senate Committee on Public Accounts, Barr. Onyekachi Nwebonyi of the All Progressives Congress, for lacking in merit and awarded a fine of 250,000 naira against the Petitioner for wasting the time of the Tribunal.

After extensive hearing of the petition in merit, the honourable Justices unanimously agreed that the petition is incompetent, vague, and lacking in merit.


Part of the judgement reads:

“The evidence of the Petitioner’s witnesses were contradictory, hearsay, and lacking in probative value. There was really nothing for the Respondents to respond to in the petition as the petitioner never really made any effort to prove the petition. Besides, the petitioner had no locus standi to present the petition because he was not a candidate in the questioned election.”

Reactiing shortly after the judgment, Senator Onyekachi Nwebonyi described the verdict as a triumph for the rule of law and democracy. He hailed the judges for their superlative jurisprudence and courage to do the right thing.

“The Judiciary has continued to superintend the country’s nascent democracy through arbitration of electoral disputes and other matters. I salute the courage of the learned Justices of the panel who stood their ground without minding whose ox is gored. I dedicate this victory to the Almighty God and the good people of Ebonyi North Senatorial district who overwhelmingly gave me their votes. I will never let you down, my people.”

Chief Nwebonyi further extended an olive branch to his opponent noting that it is now time to close rank and work towards the progress of their Constituency.

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