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Association of Town Union President Generals in Nkanu East local government area of Enugu state on Monday paid a solidarity visit to the senator representing the Enugu East senatorial zone, Distinguished Senator Kelvin Chukwu, in his Amurri home town.

The group led by its Coordinator and President general of Umu-awalagu autonomous community in Nara Unateze, Chief Bonny Ede said the visit was to congratulate the senator on his resounding victory at the Court of Appeal and to assure him of their support so as to deliver on his campaign promises for the people.

“Distinguished senator sir, we the PGs in Nkanu East LGA congratulate you on your victory and pray God to give you the enablement to represent us well”

Chief Edeh futher highlighted areas of interest which he said will benefit the people directly and prayed the federal lawmaker to work towards actualizing them.

Other PGs who spoke during the visit promised to work with the federal lawmaker so as to attract dividends of democracy for the people.

Responding, Senator Kelvin Chukwu who thanked the President generals for the visit assured them of a pragmatic representation anchored on the will of the people.

“I thank you immensely for supporting our course. I assure you that I won’t disappoint Ndi Enugu East senatorial zone.

“Our zone is a great senatorial district with great potentials and we have a responsibility to harness these potentials and maximise them for the benefit of our people,”

“We must prioritise the welfare of our constituents and ensure that our policies are geared towards meeting their needs. He said.

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