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Daily Gazette Editorial Desk,

As political tensions continue to escalate in Rivers State, key stakeholders within the political circle are actively encouraging Governor Siminalayi Fubara to join the Labour Party (LP).

This development comes amidst growing dissatisfaction with the current administration and internal disputes within the ruling party.


The political situation in Rivers State has been marked by significant unrest, with two commissioners recently resigning from Governor Fubara’s cabinet, citing a toxic work environment and political crisis.

These resignations have intensified the call for change and have provided momentum for the Labour Party to present itself as a viable alternative for governance.

Stakeholders within the Labour Party believe that Governor Fubara’s leadership and experience could significantly benefit the party and help address the ongoing crises in the state.

They argue that the Labour Party’s platform, which emphasizes social justice, transparency, and development, aligns closely with the governor’s purported vision for the state.


Several influential figures, including party leaders, civil society activists, and prominent community members, have reached out to Governor Fubara, urging him to consider the Labour Party as a platform to continue his political career.

These stakeholders have highlighted the Labour Party’s growing popularity and success in other regions as evidence of its potential to bring positive change to Rivers State.

The possibility of Governor Fubara switching allegiance to the Labour Party has sparked various reactions from the public and political analysts.

Some view this as a strategic move that could realign the political dynamics in the state, while others see it as a potential challenge to the current ruling party’s dominance.

Political analysts speculate that if Governor Fubara were to join the Labour Party, it could lead to a significant shift in the state’s political landscape.


Such a move might attract other disenchanted members of the ruling party and strengthen the opposition’s position ahead of future elections.

Governor Fubara has yet to make any public statements regarding the overtures from the Labour Party.

However, sources close to the governor told Daily Gazette that he is weighing his options carefully, considering the potential impact on his administration and the people of Rivers State.

As the political crisis in Rivers State unfolds, all eyes are on Governor Fubara and his next steps.

The Labour Party’s efforts to woo him reflect the broader quest for stability and effective governance in the state.

Whether Governor Fubara will heed the call and join the Labour Party remains to be seen, but his decision will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the political future of the State.


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