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On Monday, Governor Peter Mbah of Enugu State visited the Sapphire Ceramics Company in Obinofia Ndiuno, Ezeagu LGA, emphasizing his commitment to maintaining a conducive business environment under his administration.


Governor Mbah praised the company’s achievements as evidence of Enugu State’s improved business climate.

He reiterated his administration’s ambitious goal to elevate the state’s economy from $4.4 billion to $30 billion and encouraged both local and international investors to capitalize on the state’s rich mineral resources.


“This is a testament to our vision of fostering a government-enabled, private sector-driven economic growth,” said Mbah. “With Sapphire Ceramics producing 75,000 square meters of tiles daily and employing over 800 people, we are confident in our target of growing the state’s economy to $30 billion.”

Mbah assured continued support for businesses like Sapphire Ceramics, emphasizing the importance of creating policies that facilitate business expansion and job creation.

He highlighted key factors such as infrastructure, security, and a robust legal and regulatory framework as crucial elements in enhancing the ease of doing business in Enugu.

“Enugu is genuinely open for business. Our commitment is to not only provide a favorable environment but also to mitigate risks for investors, making Enugu a premier investment destination,” Mbah stated.

Mr. Wang Chengfang, Managing Director of Sapphire Ceramics, lauded the Mbah administration for its supportive policies and development initiatives.

He noted the company’s significant growth, having expanded its workforce from 300 to nearly 800 employees, despite economic challenges.

“We are honored to invest in Enugu State and contribute to its economic growth,” Chengfang said.

“Despite challenges such as an unstable Naira exchange rate, we are committed to enhancing our product quality and expanding our operations to create more jobs in Enugu.”

Chengfang called on potential investors to consider Enugu State for their ventures, highlighting the state’s abundant mineral resources and favorable business environment. He pledged Sapphire Ceramics’ continued cooperation with the state government to maximize these resources and support the state’s economic development.

“As part of our investment promotion efforts, we urge more Chinese companies to invest in Enugu State and support the ‘New Enugu City’ development plan,” Chengfang added.

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