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The impeachment investigation panel, tasked with probing alleged gross misconduct against the Edo State Deputy Governor, Rt. Hon. Philip Shaibu, has scheduled Friday as the final adjournment for Shaibu to present his defense.

Headed by Justice Stephen A. Omonuwa (Rtd), the seven-man panel made the decision during its resumed sitting on Thursday, despite the absence of the deputy governor and his legal counsel.


Justice Omonuwa stated that the panel would await Shaibu’s defense before concluding proceedings. However, Shaibu failed to appear or send representation.

In response, Justice Omonuwa called for the appearance of the plaintiff, the Edo State House of Assembly, which initiated the impeachment process. The Assembly was represented by its Legal Officer, N. U. Ibrahim, along with two others.

Following deliberation, the chairman ruled to adjourn the panel’s proceedings for the last time, setting the date for April 5, 2024, at 12 noon. He emphasized the importance of giving the defendant ample opportunity to present his defense.

The decision came after Shaibu’s counsel, Professor Oladoyin Awoyale (SAN), excused himself and his client from further participation in the proceedings. Awoyale cited an Abuja High Court injunction, alleging that the panel had disregarded the court’s order.

The court injunction requested all involved parties to appear and address the matter regarding Shaibu’s fundamental human rights. However, the panel proceeded with the investigation despite the pending court order.

The adjournment underscores the panel’s commitment to ensuring a fair and thorough investigation, allowing all parties involved the opportunity to present their arguments and evidence.

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