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Residents of Ishieke in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State capital were reportedly attacked yesterday by gunmen who were said to be enforcing an illegal Sit-at-home order at Ishieke market.

The gunmen, adorned in red colour regalia attacked the market in broad daylight, shooting everyone at sight, setting some motorcycles and tricycles ablaze.

Armed with AK-47 rifles, the gunmen were heard in a viral video on Tuesday condemning people for flouting an illegal sit-at-home order in the state imposed by a faction of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, led by Finland based Simon Ekpa.

In the video, residents scampered for safety as gunmen unleaded terror on both motorcycle operators and pedestrians.

Some road users left their vehicles and motorcycles immediately the gunmen opened fire on the innocent citizens.

One of the attackers who were making a video-record of the shooting was saying that there wouldn’t be movement in the state until the detained IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu is released.

“It’s happening live directly, today, 4th July, 2023. It’s in Ebonyi, Abakaliki at Ishieke market. You can see the Keke burning. Burn everything; we don’t want anything to remain. Destroy them, sit-at-home; Nnamdi Kanu must be released. No Nnamdi Kanu, no peace. Destroy them, Nnamdi Kanu must be released at all cost,” one of the gunmen was saying amid the shooting and chaos.

The masked gunmen who arrived the market in a brown colour Sienna, after unleashing terror for about five minutes, zoomed off without any confrontation by security agencies.

The disturbing viral video 


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